Work in the wood is very amusing for our dogs ( sometimes too much) maybe for the reason they any of them has the working examination passed from.. The bloodhound has to manage the examination passed from BZH or PB to be able to be arranged for the working class and one of more conditions to tender the titel champion CZ. To tender the titel interchampion there must be tendered by the provided examinations the titel can´t (besides there muset be of course fullfilled the needed exhibition apprecintions) To manage successful the examination must the dog by BZH:
1) set out in the wood by shoot ( with belt or free)
2) walking in the wood along the leg with belt or free
3) working out the trace on the not coloured trace of the wild pig (hart) min. three hours old, 800 m long
4) discipline of the erature by wild animals (the dog can´t attack the animal, must show the interest)
5) obedience , there will be evalueted during the whole examination lasting time ( how your dog is reacting on you)
For the persons interested I can recommend to get acquainted with the examination rules which is possible to find on the websides of hunting organisations on
Not every of my bloodhounds us accepting them with pleasure but i want to see from time to time what is new in the bloodhound world, so that sometimes we start. The success is pleasure of course, but when it doesn´t come, the life goes on, when with titels, or without. The most importatnt is we all are together.
Entertaiment - the word under which can each from us can imagine something others...and so it is fulfilled with our dogs...
People´s traces
This is a new activity, which we start now to like, what we attempted till now, we can say, this is very nice spent time of us, dogs with our houselady. There are made the traces till 1,5 km long, which are worked out according the difficulty from 0,5 to 1,5 hours old, but it could be to 24 hours too.